Karen, Marshall and Scott

Karen, Marshall and Scott
Fishing for kahawai near Hahei, NZ

Tuesday 10 January 2012

We Arrive! Monday, January 9

Hello and welcome to our first posting.

We arrived in Auckland at 9 am on Monday (or sometime on Sunday in North America) after travelling for 27 hours. Other than long and getting little sleep, our travel to NZ went smoothly. Marshall was fantastic. He thinks he watched 10 movies on the way here.

From Auckland we took a 1.5 hr shuttle to Hamilton. Our new home and minivan were waiting for us, no problems at all, which we really appreciated given our jet lagged state.

Our mailing address is:
Chaplain's Residence
Accomodation and Conference Services
University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105
Hamilton, NZ

After we settled in for a few minutes, we went for a spin with our new wheels to get some groceries. Driving was a bit of an adventure. I kept looking right when I should have been looking left. The most annoying thing about driving so far has been that I keep turning on the windshield wipers when I try and use the turning signals. The lever for the turning signals is on the right hand side of the steering column, the opposite of any car I have ever driven. Marshall laughs every time I make this mistake.

Grocery shopping after 27 hours of travel was a bit of a challenge. I was surprised how few familiar brands there were, although we did find Heinz ketchup.

We lasted to 8 pm before going to bed. All of us were asleep within 10 minutes of our heads hitting the pillows.

Day 1 Marshall observation: The cold water is on the left hand side.

Our blogs will get more exciting, I promise.

Chaplain's Residence--our home away from home


  1. Hi Scott, Karen & Marshall
    Good to see you got there all right. About that turn signal/windscreen (i.e. windshield) wiper thing, just wait till you get back to Canada when you will do the same thing for a week or so!

  2. Hi Guys,
    Its great, isn't it?
    I remember the Chaplian's Residence very fondly.
    Make sure marshall tries the horrible (to adults) Bubble Gum Ice Cream at the little store across the street from the bus stop. Jack loved it.

  3. Hi, This is BLee typing for Jack, who recognized the Chaplain's House in your picture.

    Jack: How does Marshall have school if he is NZ? (I explained this, but he would like to hear about the school, and if Marshall meets Tristan)

  4. Hello Jack,
    I am replying for Marshall. Because Marshall is old enough to go to school in Canada and New Zealand and because we are in NZ for so long, we asked Knighton Normal School if Marshall could go there while he is here in NZ. The school said, "Yes, he can." So Marshall is going to start school on February 7th. This is good because he will meet new friends and because he is missing some school back in Canada right now.

    You might remember Knighton Normal School. It is really close the house you lived in while you were in NZ. It has a big fenced in soccer field. It also has a playground with a small climbing wall.

    Who is Tristan?

    Bye for now,
